Give to desert city church

We believe that “growing in the grace of giving” is not the product of guilt or coercion. Rather, it flows from a heart that has truly been transformed by the gospel. In giving, we become a part of God’s mission to redeem and restore the world. 2 Corinthians 8:7

There are offering boxes in the back of the church where you can leave your offering. Additionally, checks can be mailed to us here:

Desert City Church
4242 E Greenway Road
Phoenix, AZ 85032

There are several ways to give online. Please keep in mind, the church pays 2.3% + $0.30 per donation for all debit and credit card gifts, and ACH giving is only $0.25 per transfer. You can give a one time gift or setup recurring giving here:


IRA QCD (Qualified Charitable Deduction) - Donate a portion or all of your required minimum distribution and get the QCD. For more info about this, email Tyler Mehlhorn.

Interested in making a stock donation to the church? Email Bill McClung for instructions to give to our Securities Account.


If you need help with setting up online giving, please send an email to with any questions and we will be happy to help you.

Important reminder:

*The church pays a 2.3% fee + $0.30 per donation for all debit/credit card gifts. ACH is $0.25 per bank transfer.

Mail a check to:
Desert City Church
4242 E Greenway Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85032