Children's Ministry
The City Kids ministry is a place for all kids from birth through 4th grade. Our children meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am and 10:45 am where we have individual classrooms for the groups listed below. It is a safe, joyful, and impactful environment where we desire to help kids grow to love Jesus and love others with all their heart. Our hope is that as we partner with families our children would experience life with Jesus as an incredible adventure, life that is truly life.
Selah McAvoy is our children’s director and can answer any questions you might have about Desert City Kids. Please be sure to let her know if you would like to volunteer in our children’s ministry!

Plant shop:
Nursery - Age: Birth- 18M - Room Number: 1
Candy shop:
Toddler/PreK - Age: 19m- 4 Years - Room Number: 3
Record Shop
K-2nd Grade - Room Number: 5
3rd- 4th Grade, Room Number 7
Gospel Centered - Jesus is the center of all we do and teach, we want kids to see the great adventure that a life with Jesus truly is.
Authentic Relationships - We want to create a place where real friendships can grow and kids know they are cared for.
Memorable Experiences - Kids should look forward to Sunday mornings and tell stories of the awesome things that happened each week!
Joy and Laughter - When kids laugh it breaks down walls and opens up opportunity for trust to form. Life with Jesus is joyful and we want them to see that joy in all we do.
Nursery: 0m to 18m
Toddlers/Pre-K: 19m to 4y
Elementary: Kinder-2nd Grade
Elementary 2: 3rd-4th Grade