Local Partners
Teach 1 to Lead 1 - t1l1az.com
Teach One to Lead One is a community mentoring program that teaches universal principles to lead at-risk kids into a life of purpose and potential. Contact Faith Murphey for more info.
UMOM Day Centers - umom.org
UMOM New Day Centers mission is to prevent and end homelessness with innovative strategies and housing solutions that meet the unique needs of each family and individual. Contact Gail Nutt for more info.
Team World Vision - teamworldvision.org
World Vision International is an Evangelical Christian humanitarian aid, development, and advocacy organization. Contact Christine Altavilla for more info.
Feed My Starving Children - fmsc.org
FMSC offers volunteers a one-of-a-kind experience. You’ll hand-pack rice, soy, dried vegetables and a nutritionally complete blend of vitamins and minerals into bags which are then sealed, boxed, placed on pallets and shipped to their incredible partners working hard to reach the neediest children around the world.